Sunday, July 04, 2010

I totally had something I wanted to post about today; something that really struck me during today's sayyidat liqa'. Except that blogger has been such a problem for me these days and doesn't allow me to post and I only just figured out how to get around the problem -- so that now, my inspiration has gone. -_- I can't write when my brain is feeling heavy and lethargic, so hopefully, I'll get that inspiration back and ramble on about it tomorrow.

But just a little thought that came to me on Saturday at APEX: that when you can smile and put aside that little pain that comes from one musibah, you will be rewarded with something unexpected, something better, something that erases all the pain and that makes you go, Subhanallah, how could I ever doubt in the first place? With Jean on Friday too, while we were slacking around and talking, she was strangely the one who said that, If God can give you small little things that you ask for, why do you not trust him to do the same for the big things? And if he seemingly doesn't, it's because things must be not what they seem. Allah wa Rasul a'lam. What do you know, eh.

Thank you. <3

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