Friday, June 25, 2010

I was walking home, listening to this awesome song, and thinking how Peterpan is so talented (I really like this song!), only to get home and be greeted by news of Ariel's sex scandal. :( It made me sad.

But then, despite this, I think he's still an okay dude; because apparently I hear that his laptop got stolen? And that's how the videos got spread around. And the girls were technically his girlfriends. Then he finally turned himself in to the police, although I'm not sure what he's supposed to be charged with here. Negligence...? O.o Or is this supposed to go under some shariah law I don't know about, functioning in Indonesia? Haha.

I've always thought of Ariel kindly because my sister claims he is Yamapi-esque in appearance (XD haha!); but also because I thought it was amazing how he didn't press any charges or seem to make a fuss at all, when Bollywood totally ripped off one of his songs (i.e. Tak Bisakah)! And that song became a hit in India, okay. Sung by the Indian Idol on Asian Idol some more, I recall. He only got upset when another one of his songs got stolen again!

Tak Bisakah by Peterpan

Kya Mujhe Pyaar Hai

The first time I heard this Hindi version, I went: @.@ Am I hearing this right?????

So, whatever it is, anyway, I don't think he's that bad of a dude. He may be agama-less, granted; but at least it doesn't appear like he was cheating on his girlfriend or maliciously spreading the vids for revenge or stg. :\ It's just slightly disappointing that the wonderful talent couldn't come with a flawless moral record as well. Haha, too much to ask, maybe.

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