Monday, June 28, 2010

Gonna be doing a brief relief teaching stint at Irsyad the next two weeks; so have to turn in earlier tonight if I don't want to get through tomorrow as a zombie teacher.

Been meaning to say how I've been having trouble posting stuff here again (another one of my I-can't-write-on-my-blog phases); because I realise how much I eat my own words. You know what I mean? How you may write and believe in something at a moment in time, only to realise later, how wrong you were? And then I become consequently mortified at my old/past self. That's why they say that one should always endeavour to use gentle and soft words, because you never know when you have to swallow them yourself.

Like my term paper back in 2007 -- I wrote something very pro-globalization for Nerney's writing class and babbled on about the inevitability of a flat, one-culture world. And scored a wonderful A+ for it, believe it or not. So of course I felt happy and so right about my own opinion. Then later, I started reading more and finding out more. And then... became more and more horrified! Because, what on earth was I talking about in my paper??? I don't agree with my old self anymore! It's quite horrifying. I look back and think how my points are superficial and narrow-minded and so naive.

But then, I suppose, this just means that I'm growing. And that it's a good thing. If I can look back on my old self and think I'm stupid, then that means I'm less stupid now? :P I hope so. And maybe, it's a natural thing to slowly evolve from young + stupid + passionate to older + wiser + compassionate. I shall strive to that, amin.

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