Saturday, April 10, 2010

A short talk about embracing your inner girl, by Eve Ensler, spokesperson for women around the world.

This made me cry. It's not every day I like being a girl. :) In fact, there have been nights of my crying for being one, haha.

But this reminds me of something that has been running in and out of my head recently; that Nabi s.a.w. said he was made to love three things in this world: women, scent and prayer. And Shaykh Hamza has reiterated many times how Nabi's love of women should not be interpreted as something physical, or at least not exclusively so. It is because Nabi loves, in truth, what women represent - the heart; tenderness, emotion and a seemingly bottomless well of forgiveness and mercy. In relation to this, I'm also remembering another story where Nabi s.a.w. kissed a child, and an Arab man who saw him was very shocked, like, How can you kiss a child!!! It's not manly at all!!! Nabi overturned a lot of things when he came. :)

Oh, here is a contracted version of it I found on the net:

Aisha r.a. said : A desert Arab came to Rasulullah s.a.w. and said : "Do you kiss children?, We do not kiss them". Rasulullah s.a.w said : "What can I do for you if Allah has taken away mercy from your heart?" ( Bukhari, Muslim )

Source here.

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