Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This business about Jin letting KATTUN do a tour without him while he cavorts around in California trying to make it big in hollywood -- it's pissing me off. God, so irritating. He's just so full of it. Pleeease. KATTUN should seriously just ditch him. Then maybe I'd like them better, because he just destroys the team dynamic for me, he does. If there's a number one thing that puts me off about a guy or about anyone really, it is this pompous, love-me-for-I-am-made-of-gold, self-centred attitude that Jin exemplifies. Aren't people supposed to have outgrown this by the time they leave adolescence, at least??? UGH. I know Pi dreams of Hollywood too or stg, but at least I have faith that he won't step on others on the way to his dreams.

Anyway, celebrated Jiawen's birthday tonight. And we realise it's been 10 years since we all met. So I brought up the question: what would you say to your 13-year-old self if you could go back in time? Mumu wanted to tell herself that she would die at 23 just so that she'd live more wisely -- we all generally disagreed with her logic, haha, because my gosh, the trauma of knowing your time of death is surely no joke. Eunice felt convinced that her teen self would do the opposite of whatever she said anyway, so what was the point. And I realise Jiawen didn't give an answer! I just want to tell my teen self to be brave, please. Just be brave. And oh, to forget about trying to be tall, because nothing will work and it won't matter in the end anyway. :P

Yesterday, I got a random call from Nur who I met at APEX last year. I hadn't talked to her in months and she suddenly had the urge to talk to me, apparently. To ask me how I was doing and that she was also applying for a different job now. And I could only take it as a sign, because I'd been cracking my head like crazy over the T3M Traineeship offer that I'd got at Biopolis and I was begging God to please show me the way. She was urging me to do the speech pathology thing, describing how meaningless her job felt to her now and advised me that I better be doing something I like. And above all, she said, Whatever I do, be brave.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

~ Steve Jobs

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