Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Watched a short mini-drama about graduation and pursuing dreams called Sotsugyou Shashin. I downloaded it by impulse from newshfan; it starred Massu and Nagasawa Masami. And surprisingly, despite it being Masami (haha, I don't know what I have against her, seriously), I thought the message of the show was sweet and meaningful, and she acted well. Massu, on the other hand, can't act... for nuts, poor thing. But it's okay - he's still the adorable gyoza-lover from NEWS.

Anyway, the story basically conveys the idea of taking the long route to one's success or dreams, and that it's okay to do so. The long route makes you kind and strong, I quote them. Getting what you want immediately hardly makes you grateful for it anyway, right? You only learn the value of something after having slogged and waited for it. What is it that Miley Cyrus sings -- It's all about the climb...

I've imagined meeting my past self, and although sometimes, I think I'd tell my past self to do certain things or not do certain things, I think, overall, I'd just smile at my old self and say it's going to be okay one day, I promise. Not that things are perfect now; but just - I feel like I've finally planted one foot into the ground. And even if I get tossed about or jostled violently in this crazy (and probably very evil) world, I won't get lost. In some ways, I think I like my old self better; more hopeful and consequently more delusional maybe, haha. More blur, also more trusting. I think I second-guess people a lot more now. Whereas in the past, you can probably con me easy-peasy; now, I think I'm at least a little wiser. Haha, I hope.

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