Sunday, September 20, 2009

What shall I say about today? Hm. Got to Ghufran Mosque earlier than usual, I thought, but we ended up at the 7th row (usually it's the 3rd) of the female section. The khutbah (i.e. sermon) was about the usual "How well did we spend Ramadhan?" and this year, I'm glad to see less people just up and leave the moment they're done with prayers. More stayed to listen. And oh, there was a humungous wasp in the congregation for a while that had me crouching close to my sister and covering my face with my telekung. :P

Food was more than enough, also as is per normal. Ketupats, lepats, rendang, lodeh, sambal goreng, sambal prawns, my mum's meat cake, babat and more.

At Cik An's place, Insyirah was cute for a while and I played with her, but then she started crying.

And then got to Babawok's place which was crowded like crazy, the way it is every year. I was so tired and despite the unbearable heat and humidity, I dozed off a little. Our photo-taking session at the end was fun and crazy though. I'm trying to decide if I'll put some up here or in facebook or not at all.

Ja! Still have visiting to do tomorrow. And my brain is somewhat fried.


My rose-tinted spectacles got shattered today too. Again, I should say. Mou. :( When will I stop letting fluff take over my brain.

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