Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why do bad things happen to good people? :(

Honestly, it's a stupid question. But we ask it all the time. Isn't it the reason that some people denounce God? That they're so upset with the state of the world, they give up on the idea of God looking down on us? But seriously - you know, isn't it possible God knows better? Because there are more important things than transient happiness on this Earth, eh? Like nobility, for instance. Or profundity. Or courage. Or true faith, not faith just when you get enough food and money and clothes. (And God protect us from such difficult tests of faith.) Such beautiful qualities are only nurtured and polished in adversity.

This reminds me of that Huxley novel I just finished the other day - Brave New World; how utter comfort and happiness breeds a particular ugliness. It makes me wonder you know, that maybe humans are meant to overcome challenges. That that's what we live for. We're here just to fight obstacles, and when we have none, we've lost reason for existence. In short, as we always hear - life ain't worth living till there's something worth dying for.

The way my mind drifts - haiyoh. @.@


Anyway, found a new animal I possibly like more than pandas and lambs!!! ALPACAS.

They're like lambs with long necks, which probably explains why I find them so irresistibly adorable. XD The first time I saw them was on a Jap tv show just yesterday, with Yamapi (haha). They invited alpacas onto the show! And Yamapi and the Buzzer Beat cast were patting their fluffy fur and all, and squealing kawaii at intervals. This, of course, only exarcebates my unbidden love for this creature. :P

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