Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Went to get my IC replaced today, with Mumu for company. And after that we had Pastamania at Cathay Cineleisure and watched Dance, Subaru!.

I was trying very hard to be lenient to Kuroki Meisa's acting - but gosh, she's just so stiff. Her expressions are just so... wooden. She's pretty and all, but gah. Her acting irks me; and it irks me more cause I like her and I cringe for her. Admittedly, she's better here than in Crows Zero, but still. I think Mumu and me were crying more than her character; the story was really sad (and rather draggy in the middle). Mumu and me were crying like mad that we had to get tissues out at the end but Meisa only had a few tears seeping out (and they looked rather forced). :P

Also, somewhere in the middle, DBSK appeared for like 15 seconds and the girls next to me physically spazzed. They were trying to suppress their squeals, but failed of course. -.-" I was like, "Haiyoh, I think DBSK is responsible for at least a third of the box office sales." But haha, I totally get it. I'm a fangirl too. And DBSK is pretty (Jaejoong, as I commonly proclaim, is like a flawless anime character) and their dancing is awesome and they can actually sing decently. What's to hate.

And in case you don't know who or what DBSK is... Although, to me, that's rather appalling (but that's cause I've fallen into Jpop/Kpop world and therefore have very skewed perceptions now), here's a photo (and god, just google them lah okay. They're awesome to watch.):

And link here. And this is the amazing dance version of their song Mirotic. It's really wow. And I'm not even a proper fan, okay. I only know these things because my sister shows them to me. My heart belongs to Pi, NEWS and Arashi. :P


And since dearest genius Shweta who is tinkering away in a lab in MIT requested I blog about things other than my Jap fangirling, HP and Lymond (you leave me little choice, my dear), I shall. And since my sister is blaring Billie-Jean from her laptop now...

Where was I when I found out MJ died? I was having pancakes for breakfast at MacDonald's with Lin. Lin was the one who announced it to me and I went, "WHAT??????????" of course. I mean, who didn't. Couldn't believe it at first. I mean, this is the Michael Jackson. This week's edition of Newsweek had a very nice article on him: What his life felt like from inside, from outside it was manifestly a work of genius, whether you want to call it a triumph or a freak show - those are just words. We'd never seen anyone like this before, either in his artistic inventiveness or his equally artistic self-invention, and we won't forget him - until the big Neverland swallows us all.

Some older people don't think MJ reached the consciousness of my generation, but he definitely did. I mean, I can't even recall a time when I didn't know MJ. I grew up with Hussain dancing MJ's moves during our holiday trips and doing the crotch-grabbing OW! Heee. Sweet memories. I distinctly remember us somewhere in rural Terengganu, putting on an MJ show near the roadside while the elders chatted away in the house. Of course, no one actually watched but we kept cheering Hussain on. Hussain was seriously born to be a performer, man. We keep urging him to try Singapore Idol. :P (I digress.)


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