Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eventful things have a habit of happening in quick succession. Or so it seems.

First of all, just to get this depressing news out of my way - I have lost my wallet. And all its important contents. EVERYTHING that is important was in it. Including my IC, my NUS matric card (1 year left and this happens!), my NUS EZ-link card, my DBS ATM card, my NLB card which had lasted me since primary school days, my BRAND NEW driving licence :( and more than S$100 cash I got from various people for my birthday. Also, other irreplacable knick-knacks like my ARTBOX membership card, my Videoezy membership card, my username and password for netsurfing at Singapore hotspots (that's it lah, I won't be able to remember them now!), numerous, ancient neoprints and about RM100.

How this happened? Was at Raffles Place MRT station yesterday with sis and sat down on a bench. I just left it on the bench, I think! I realised it when we reached City Hall, and we hurried back as fast as we could, but of course it wasn't there. And no one had turned it in to the control station. I ask you, why aren't there more honest people in this world??? :( I'd only left it for like 10 minutes. I blame my extra sleepiness for my extra blurness, cause I'd only gotten back from Rompin on Friday and hadn't rested enough; had to go out for APEX in the morning too.

Honestly, I just want my personal stuff back. Whoever you are can have the money lah okay. :( I just want the wallet back. My heart aches.

Secondly, yes, I'm back from Rompin! Which was both fun and tiring. As expected, I didn't use my camera because I was too afraid I'd damage it if I brought it into the jungle. I am dependent on the kind souls who have have been snapping away over there to put the pics up on facebook. Then maybe I'll post one or two of them here.

Some memorable things:

- Leech attack! I've got quite a bit of them. They were everywhere and I think everyone got at least one leech. They're not so much painful as they are disgusting. Looking at something sucking your blood is not a pleasant thing. You just want to scream, "GET THEM OFF ME!" Some of them sucked my blood through my pants. -.- So that I had like bloody spots on my knees and calves. And I definitely had several bites on my ankles. I was grateful for the smokers in our group, haha. Someone went like, "Oh, now you love the smokers ah!"

- Caterpillar attack! HAHA, okay, this wasn't really an attack of course. It was the last day and I was packing our tent, then out of the blue, I felt this incredible sting all over my finger, but I couldn't see anything! I tell you, I became like super panicked and started rubbing my finger. It just got redder and itchier. @.@ Then I spotted the caterpillar. It wasn't very big but it was super bristly and it was crawling on the tent pole. Damn you! Luckily the sting went away with a little water and antiseptic cream.

- Syamim the baby bird (named after Syamim, the girl. haha, don't ask me why). This was a little baby bird that fell off its nest near our campsite. And it couldn't fly yet so we played with it. When I can get my hands on a cute photo of it, I will put one here. It was grey and yellow and its mother was grey and red. It was the most adorable bird ever. Smaller than one's palm and extra fluffy. Like a fat snitch. We let it walk around on its own. But the next day, horror of all horrors, we found it dead. It had been stepped on. We were all horrified, like seriously. SO SAD. We made him a little grave.

- Real jungle trekking. No joke, please. We were bashing through fern and battling thick fauna. No surprise that the leeches got at us. Steep inclines and slippery mud too. I don't think I'd ever gotten that filthy before. I was covered in dirt, blood and sweat. O.O

- Trekking to the waterfall! (I can't quite remember its name; Takah Tinggi, maybe?) The trekking wasn't as filthy but it was STEEP (almost 90 degrees in certain places) and oh so energy-sapping. But it was so fun and worth it when we finally reached the waterfall!!! Awesome! We totally just splashed into the water. We had lifevests on, so although it was a bit deep at some corners of the plunge pool, we could enjoy the water. We filled our water bottles with the waterfall water. :P

- Tube rafting! We sat in individual buoys and rode down the rapids! It was a short one actually and the water tide was low, so I kept getting stuck in rocks. So it was a little bit of a letdown.

Okay, will say more if I have photos. :)

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