Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm breaking my hiatus. Because this is just too personally significant for me.

Friday night, I went out with Hudy, and we talked a great deal. About religion and faith and truths. And fate. And about the whole youtube video series called The Arrivals (where the Dajjal/Anti-Christ and the sickness of humanity are heavily discussed).

And what with tonight's amazing lecture at liqa'; I feel overwhelmed. Seriously overwhelmed. Like shaking in my shoes kind.

This is interesting; it's called Freedom Unplugged (one of the many episodes of The Arrivals). And I totally love the part about television (near the end) because it's so incredibly true. And I keep recalling everything I learnt in writing class about Walter Lippman and how the government is consistently creating a picture in our heads.

I really feel ignorance is humanity's worst disease. And if you don't do anything to fight for knowledge and truth, then you're basically wasting your time here on earth. Might as well not exist.

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