Tuesday, March 31, 2009

D: I am having a revolution of the mind. These past few days have been mind-blowing. And I find myself tongue-tied to even begin explaining anything. It started off with the Arrivals (Thanks, Hudy.) and now I'm watching and learning so many appalling yet perfectly reasonable explanations of the state of the world, and I am brain-scrambled. Brain-scrambled and scared. Really scared.

I watched another lecture, by a Shaikh Imran Hosein: here. (Click on the other parts to get the whole lecture.) "Can someone explain to me this strange relationship between the United States and Israel?" Really. And Obama. :( How can I trust this man. The deception of everything in today's world. :S

The way the pieces of information have come together like a beautifully constructed jigsaw boggles me and I feel like bursting into tears at random moments of the day at the sheer magnitude of it all. By this time, if you're still reading this, you'll think I'm a complete nutcase who's having a repeat life crisis of some sort. >.< But this has nothing to do with insignificant me whatsoever. For once, I'm not distraught or raving about my personal likes and dislikes; but am contemplating the big picture. And in the words of my sister, "Macam mana ni!" :(

I put my faith and hope in Allah and Rasul. May we all see true beauty some day.

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