Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It's full of nostalgia and sweetness. I adore the Nobuta trio. I feel that burst of love for them, the way I feel a burst of love for the HP trio. :D How can I accurately describe the feeling... It's like coming home, I guess. It's familiar and wonderful and liberating. When I know I'm with my friends, I feel the same way. You know, you feel like, I can be completely me. And there's this comforting knowledge that no matter what you do, it could never be so wrong.

When I sit and talk with my cousins; the boys; basically the people I grew up playing with, it feels the same way. It feels like home. It's really quite a special thing to have known each other forever since we were born. And to have known who was the absolute scaredy-cat among us. Who was the nuttiest. And having conversations filled with, "Oh, do you remember the time he broke his thumb! And do you remember the other time - !"

There are times I feel like Nobuta and I feel like looking at the sky and just smiling, because I'm glad that somehow, I came to have people I cherish like this. (And I did just that last night, when I was walking home after four lectures in school and despite being exhausted and all.) It's like that mole analogy - how is it that a mole, digging blind and all alone underground, manages to find its mate, you know? :) Fate and miracles.

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