Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I just finished watching Nodame Cantabile. (Watch it for yourself HERE, I urge you.)

OhGOD. I'm trying very hard not to spaz. I love it so much. It's one of the best Jdramas ever for me; up there with Nobuta and Hana Yori. I don't understand why I didn't watch this sooner. And I don't just love it; it's really, objectively, very very well-done. You know... how some shows are well-done but I don't love it so much; and there are some shows I adore to bits but aren't exactly great productions. But this one. This one. O.O It's seriously good; seriously. It just had the perfect elements of everything for me. It had the whole Hana Kimi or manga style of crack comedy - with crazy kyaa-ings and weird characters - but at the same time, there's like amazing non-slapstick humour too; ridiculously-insane-made-me-laugh-out-loud dialogue. And all the beautiful friendships formed. And just. Chiaki Shinichi was played superbly, I think. The way he transformed throughout the story seemed so natural and effortless and real. And although Nodame irked me a little with her incredulous mannerisms, she grew on me like she grew on Chiaki. And the Chiaki/Nodame pairing is just all kinds of entertaining. XD The drama just built up nicely and ended perfectly and ohmygod -- THE MUSIC.

THE MUSIC. This drama is making me regret my absolute lack of knowledge of classical music and like DUCKIE, teach me something! :O Haha. I don't know much about orchestras and performances and possibly I am slightly tone deaf, but the finale performance of Beethoven Symphony No. 7 was amazing and made me feel like squealing and when they finished I clapped quietly but enthusiastically in my bed, trying hard not to wake my sister at this ungodly hour. I really didn't want this drama to end. :( And I watched it within two days too.

I give this drama five hearts. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Hee.

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