Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Apparently, Yamapi can do no wrong.

I really don't want to start fangirl-raving, but then I was watching Code Blue and his doctor character, Aizawa, did something almost certainly clinically impossible, that I just had to say something. First (a little background knowledge), you should know that for some reason, Yamapi has always just won in a lot of things lah, okay. Variety shows, tv challenges, acting roles, saying the right things etc. Like in Tokyo Friend Park where he jumped damn high and scored so much. And on hey!hey!hey! with the hula hoop game. And various Shounen Club activities, to name a few. So much so that he's somewhat recognised by fellow members for being the ultra-reliable and failproof person.

So anyway, in Code Blue, Aizawa was trying to save someone who got spiked on a metal pipe and the poor guy's heart was failing; the heartrate on the meter was steadily decreasing and the machine was making all the scary beepy noises. And then the heart stopped all together. So then, I was like, "Finally! Aizawa fails to save a patient... " But then, looking all emo with the clenched jaws and incessant fist-clenching, guess what he did? He thumped hard, once, on the guys chest... and voila! The heart beats again.

I was @_@. Magic doctor, is it. I was so incredibly amused.

But ignoring certain fantastical glitches about the capabilities of a certain ER intern, I'm liking Code Blue more than I thought I would. I've harboured a certain disinclination for medical drama ever since Gray's Anatomy (yes, despite its undeniable popularity, I just never took to Meredith or any of the other characters) but surprisingly, Code Blue is working for me. Maybe cause of Yamapi, of course. But even without him, I think, the drama has the right elements in right amounts. And thankfully, no romance in sight.

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