Monday, July 21, 2008

That's from Pearls Before Swine. I got it off uwasako's LJ here. Isn't it the most adorable thing. And Rat, despite myself, is just an adorable meanie to me. We all need hugs, eh. And I don't think it has to be a physical hug. Sometimes, all you need is go up to that someone, and wail. And let the person pat your head, and then you'll feel that much better. Or virtual hugs through smses from friends far away. Like sometimes for me, I just walk around the house, calling out to my sister, and then she'll say, "Whaaaaaaaat." And I pout and say nothing. And then call out to her again and the same thing happens repeatedly. It's therapeutic.

Oh yes, I also thought I couldn't love JK Rowling any more than I already did, but her speech at Harvard's Commencement Ceremony blew me away. If you haven't read it, go here. I was helplessly swiping at tears as I read it. It just moved me deeply, and certain things resonated so much with my own feelings. If it were my own graduation, I think I'd be uncontrollably sobbing or something.

Time has passed superbly fast as always, and guess what, it's three weeks to the start of a new academic year. And strangely, or maybe not so strange cause I feel like this everytime, I am looking forward to starting lectures again. Partly cause work is ultimately less fun than learning, so I want to get back to books. And uni life offers infintely more freedom than an 8 t0 6 work schedule. Although, on the down side, money will stop coming in. You know, I was thinking how truly paradoxical it is that the modern world strives for technological advancements that speeds up processes in order that we save time, but in the end, we find ourselves increasingly short of time. It is a sad, vicious cycle.

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