Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I am having an I-hate-my-blog day.

Anyway. Today, I confirmed-plus-chopped for myself that the world is a small place and that the malay community of singapore is an extremely small, and extremely tiny, group of people on earth.

Because I went to Lin's aunt's house today (to borrow their fax machine for dreadful marketing work) and the moment the aunt laid eyes on me, she was like, "You're Razak's daughter, right?" I tried not to goggle at her as I assented to her question, because quite honestly, my mind was rattled. I was thinking, "SHIT! My mum has been right all along! I do look like a female version of my dad!" It turned out, however, that she had seen me in RJ's dwidarma near two years back. And she had bumped into my parents on the way out. They were all old poly friends. (I tell you, if us malay kids were to put our parents all in one place, they'd all embrace each other as old schoolmates or stg.)

Cik Siti, Lin's aunt, was all like, "You were the one with the pink polka dot baju, right!" And I, I don't know why exactly, I wanted to sink into my chair and disappear. I just find it so mortifyingly embarassing to be remembered as that air-head with the stupid pink polka-dotted rug. I hated that stupid rug the whole while I was gripping it, by the way.

The more I think about it, the more mortified I am at how much crap I did on that stage back in RJ. My, my.

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