Sunday, May 06, 2007

I have a lot of time on my hands right now; am stuck at Narita Airport and have been wandering around the rather boring airport for HOURS. Finally decided to post a little at the interenet cafe. Us four girls that decided to stay behind; some of them went out to Tokyo despite horrible Continuous rain and expensive train fare (2000 yen!)

Did I say the keyboard is weird? It has Japanese letters and the underscore and `@` signs are all in different places. So excuse any random typos you might see. But Japan overall seems cool. Despite aforementioned boring airport. I absolutely LOVE the way they talk okay!

Ohio! heheh. So polite!

Okay, I shall stop for now. I haven‘t had any sleep since the last twenty four hours. And my head is swimming. Am finally feeling the effects of sleep deprivation.

Oh, shall briefly mention I found a supernatural fan on this trip! What are the odds. fan on this trip! What are the odds. Are her nuttiness over Jensen is appalling. But it`s fun nonetheless. We have vowed to bunk together and watch the season finale on CW. woohoo.

Also a bit worried about the paper eventually due. :s

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