Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 already. My teen years are going to be over.

Last night, after hari raya haji at granny's house, we refused to stay at home, so we went to the airport to welcome the new year. We just sat at burger king for a good hour, eating and doing stupid things like playing the OR game.

If you had to lick either a cockroach or a lizard, which would you lick?
Who would you rather marry: a girl who was very, very hairy or very, very fat?
If you had to be subjected to one of these two painful things: pulling out a healthy adult tooth or pulling off one of your fingernails, which would you prefer?
If you had to, would you rather eat a dog or a cat?
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
Pocong or pontianak?

The list goes on. Damn hilarious. And Hussein was like, "Tak boleh cabut gigi ah, nanti tak handsome."

And whoo. I finished my surabaya video!!!

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