Thursday, September 21, 2006

Been clearing the favourites folder on my computer. It's a mad accumulation of stuff and random websites over the past year or so. I have websites about weird latin phrases and the mad monarch websites which has stories of lunatic-sounding rulers throughout history.

Iftar project is going relatively smoothly. So far. Of course, the budget I proposed was apallingly high, but then I expected them to chop it down anyway, so... hope that goes well.

Quite scared for Natural Heritage of Singapore CA. Have no idea what they could possibly ask. And have yet to finish reading the chapters. By the way, did you know you could kill the house crows and the pigeons and the mynas in Singapore without any penalty whatsoever??? You'd be helping the environment more by killing them because they're alien species and they're breeding too much and causing ecological imbalance. Our native birds have been displaced cause of them. Of course, you can't kill all birds. Just them and a few more specific kinds.

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