Monday, July 31, 2006

Matriculation tomorrow. And still no sign of comp bio results. My life is just an accumulation of waiting time. Truly bothersome.

Shall demonstrate the extent of my clumsiness by recounting what happens when I eat. I was attempting to eat a cheeseburger last weekend. I was standing and fumbling with the wrapper, trying to remove the pickle which I hate, and... the top part of my burger, the bread, fell onto the floor, sauce side down. Nice. Luckily, I was at home, so I wiped up the sauce and proceeded to eat my burger. I trust the cleanliness of my home.

The other time, we were at City Plaza, where my family always goes to get the "best steak in the world". My dad had ordered some mee goreng which everyone was getting a taste of whilst waiting for the steak. And we had also ordered some bandung for drinks. I was helping my mum open a packet of chilli sauce and I tugged too hard and since luck wasn't around, I toppled my mum's glass of bandung. Bandung flooded the plate of mee goreng. And voila! Mee bandung. And we had to shift tables.

Another time was when Eunice and me were trying to settle our Gold Coast trip with Five Star Tours people and I was sipping a cup of caramel frappucino. The cup actually slipped from my hand and some ice blended coffee got onto the wall of the counter. I was frantically trying to wipe up the spilled coffee with some spare tissue. Fortunately, the staff members were busy doing work and didn't notice our frantic movements. I swear, my hands just fidget of their own accord.

My dad just came home and greeted my mum with a "Hello, Laling!" Honestly, my dad is incapable of open displays of affection, even within the house, and everything has to be veiled with a joke or distraction.

I think there are two kinds of old married couples: the kind that are so sweet and always lovey-dovey and you want to just sigh at them. Then there's the other kind that pretends they can't stand each other (and occasionally they really can't) and they bicker almost constantly but then it's clear they really do need each other and they are the only people who can put up with each other for so long. Both instances are sweet, but the latter is just entertaining. I mean, I sit in my car, and listen to them talk, and I can have a laugh. Really. I suppose there's a third kind where the couple just drifts apart in indifference. And conversations only happen out of necessity. That's scary. I don't know of that kind. And I guess there could be a fourth kind, where the couple hates each other but stay out of obligation to family and tradition. Okay, fine, there are more than two kinds.

Hate filling up all the stupid forms for matriculation. My arabic is progressing at snail's pace.

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