Sunday, October 16, 2005

Had a dream where I was accused of doing something bad (I can no longer recall what) and no one would hear my side of the story. And I was fighting with people and was so angry and upset. Hm. Too much drama in my head.

Anyway, last night, whole family camped out in front of tv downstairs at about 11pm to watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose. We brought quilts and an abundance of pillows and the lights were dimmed appropriately, I thought the movie was pretty scary, but almost everyone else had fallen asleep at one point. I have never dozed off watching a movie. Ever.

The fact that it's based on a true story only makes it more... terrifying. And apparently, the recorded tape they played was from the real exorcism. Possessed, Emily Rose spouted Aramaic, and had incredible strength, contorted herself into weird positions and screamed for hours on end. The 'demon' would speak to the priest and identify himself as the same being who had dwelled in Judas and Belial (Looked up wikipedia: Among certain sections of the Jews, this demon was considered the chief of all the devils), among others. I was fascinated by the whole thing. And the poor girl eventually died, if you didn't already know, because she didn't receive medical treatment and she refused to let the exorcism to continue.

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