Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Got this quizzie from yu jie! Feel like doing it.

1. ARE YOU OVER 18? 6 months over 18



4a. FIRST THING YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS MORNING WHEN YOU WOKE UP? Why is the phone ringing so early in the morning?! -_- It's umi asking me to pass food to nani kala.


5. WHAT DO YOU HAVE HANDY ON YOUR TABLE? Laptop, worksheets all over the place, letters...


7. WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? Uh... I'm the only 145 cm Malay-Indian-Arab Bafadhal for possibly kilometres around?

8. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? Don't think so. Unless my imagination runs a bit wild.

9. FAVORITE HANGOUT? Uh... cinema? Haha. Library!

10. 3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? Books, eyesight aid (either contacts or glasses) and laptop

11. FIRST THING YOU WILL BUY IF GIVEN 1 THOUSAND DOLLARS? Wahahaha. Digicam. Or uh... some photo-editing program... or an electronic dictionary.

12. FAVORITE SONG WHEN YOU'RE SLEEPY? Can't think of one. Les Choristes soundtrack perhaps?

13. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? My evil side. And, oh, roaches of course.

14. ARE YOU A GIVER OR TAKER? Hm. Frankly, I'm not sure. More of giver?

15. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Sham, Miah, ShamB, Vult...




19. FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL? The Brad Pitt-Heineken one.

20. FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE? Elsie. HAHA. Or maybe laptop. Oh, I dont know.

21. YOUR EYE COLOR? Blackish-brown? Not sure.

22. WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS BRING? Handphone, wallet and something to read while in transit.

23. WHAT DID YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? Doctor, biochemist. (Now I don't know what I want to be. Everything seems wrong.)

24. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO WHEN THE CLOCK TURNS 7 AM? Sleeping if there's no school, and on the train if there's school.

25. THE COLOR OF YOUR BEDSHEET? Green and pink right now.

26. WHO DO YOU WANT TO MEET? Many people. Rowling, the HP movie cast, Dunnett (wish she was still alive), Philippa Gregory, Keanu Reeves, M. Night Shyamalan, Sigmund Freud (though I'd be a bit scared), Carl Jung, Da Vinci, my grandfathers both of whom I haven't really met, and great grandfather from Yemen and Prophet Muhammad pbuh, among many others.

27. HOW'S LIFE TODAY? Quite horrid. Went to school for GP revision lecture but it was so crowded I couldn't get in. Then moped around a lot, and went home and moped some more. And then my nike shoes finally gave way - the sole came off and I had to cut it to be able to walk properly. Generally wasted a lot of time. What's wrong with me.

*** A continuation...

1. Whose picture is it that you keep on your wallet? Birds, Sis and me.

2. What time do you go to bed? Varies. Depends on what I'm doing. Average time: 11.45 pm

3. What was the last thing you did before filling this survey? Chatted to friends. Before that, sembahyang terawih.

4. Who's the one you always meet the most? Sister.

5. Who's the person you're gonna call if you need help? Depends on what kind of help. Serious problems: parents and family. Other personal stuff: friends. birds, mostly.

6. What's on your mind right now? My back aches. When is this quiz ending... (I should be studying!)

8. With whom do you wanna be to have fun? The B! (Same answer as duckie. :))

9. What movie do you wanna watch now? Zorro the Sequel!!! And oh, GoF too.

10. When was the last time you went out? Yesterday, after interview. With sis. We took neoprint.

11. What do you hate the most for now? Exams and university applications. And stupid cca record.

12. When was the first time you slept alone? What do you mean alone?! In a room? Or in a house? In a room would be when I was about 5 and all I had was a small night light. I was a brave kid. Haha.

13. What do you want to do for now? Sleep.

14. What do you do everyday besides eat and sleep? Try to study everyday (note the word try) and surf the net and watch tv and read something.

15. Favourite pet? Don't have one. Unless you count fake animals. Then it'd be Elsie my lamb.

17. Colours that make you happy? Pastel colours. (I notice certain question numbers are missing... hm.)

19. What was the last thing you bought for your room? Wow. Cannot recall. Everything's so old.

21. Do you cook? No. Umi complains. I should learn soon.

22. Miss someone? I miss the B! (Same as Duckie. Me too! And Mumu. And cousins. Abah's side. Haven't met them in ages.)

23. Plan to buy something? Not really... Books again?

24. Are you satisfied with your life now? Okaylah... I have what I need. I just wish I knew what I want.

25. Do you like seafood? Love it! Prawns especially, and crabs and sotong and cockles.

26. Breakfast or dinner? Dinner I think.

27. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Uh... it's never fixed. But more often than not, it's eggs.

28. Did you eat breakfast today?I had sahur (before fasting meal). Which was last night's dinner - fish and prawns.

29. Do you recycle? Not really. Although my family reuses old newspapers: we lay sheets of newspaper on the floor, over which we sit and eat our food.

30. Do you have a laptop? Yes. Compaq.

31. What's your favorite fast food? Hm. Think it's cheese fries. But could be cheeseburger too.

32. Cats or dogs? Cats - since dogs are haram for me, and their barkings normally scare me to pieces.

33. Salty or sweet? Sweet I think.

34. City or country? Think I'd like country better.

35. What's your favorite kind of jeans? Any kind.

36. Is kissing normal for your age? Can't really comment. Haha. Haram for me. And besides have no one but lamb to kiss, and sister has outgrown too much to be kissed. Otherwise, apparently kissing's supposed to be normal in secular society if you're 18.

37. Are you athletic? No... Everything went down the drain when I failed to be normal in height. Although did participate in run in Pri 6.

38. Do you swear? Yes. Quite badly. Some people will be very surprised to hear this.

39. Would you ditch your friends for a date? Never put in such a situation before. (Same answer as Duckie.) But really, why can't you just arrange date on different day?

42. Ever had a crush on a teacher? Eh... Nope.

43. Coke or pepsi? Coke.

44. Sugar or spice? What kind of crappy question is this. Spice.

45. Can you use chopsticks? Not really. Can pick up some big things though.

46. Do you like to read for pleasure? What kind of mad question is this?!?! DEFINITELY A YES.
47. Do you care about getting good grades? Unfortunately, yes. It gets you places. Although I hate the fact that society is starting to measure a person's worth by his or her grades.

48. Have you ever slept during a lesson? Almost did in religious class. EVIL I am. Haha. Khalil Maun was just droning on and on and on... I think I almost did for physics too.

49. Get a job or ask your parents for money? Job.

50. Is your dad strict? Yes.

51. Do your parents give you enough privacy? Enough. Yes. No one reads my diary I trust, although there's no padlock on it.

52. Do your parents trust you? Yes.

53. Would you trade places (in life) with your best friends..? No.

54. Does your best friend get on your nerves? Have a few good friends. And sometimes friends do get on your nerves. Only you try not to scream at them so much. It's part of parcel of loving someone.

55. Do you make friends quickly? Not at all. Sometimes wish I do. I take AGES to warm up.

56. Do you get jealous of your friends? No.

57. Do you tell your mom everything? No. Who does?

58. What do you & your parents fight about the most? Grades. And whole thing about dad picking out husband. Ugh. Don't make me start.

***What, there's more... -_-

1.Name someone with the same birthday as you. If I'm not wrong, David Hume (Scottish phliosopher).

2.Where was your first kiss? Eh? That kind of kiss? Not yet. Otherwise, in the cot. Although you can't possibly trust my memory.

3.Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? No. Pencil scribbles on lecture tables don't count. They can be erased.

4.Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? Brother. Flung him across room once. I'm stronger than I look.

5.Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? Must have at some point in primary school or kindergarten. Performed so many times.

6.What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? Eh. Same thing I notice about anyone? Eyes, I think.

7.What really turns you on? Another 'eh' question. Don't know yet.

8.What do you order at Starbucks? Caramel or mocha frappe. Sinful.

9.What is your biggest mistake? Hm. Don't know. Hating milk? Haha. Maybe being evil to parents sometimes.

10.Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Not physically, no. Although mentally have always imagined clawing my cheek into ribbons when frustrated.

11.Say something totally random about yourself. My skin is so dry, the palms of my hands can make music when rubbed together. (I think I have the most unique palms. Muaha.)

12.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Some person called Shamiah Gamal (Riiight. Just because we have same names.) or Sharifah Aini. Ew. I hardly think so.

13.Do you still watch kiddie movies or TV shows? Sometimes. High Five. Or Hey Arnold.

14.Did you have braces? Yes.

15.Are you comfortable with your height? Learnt to be comfortable, I have. Alah bisa, tegal biasa.

16.What is the sweetest thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? Hm. Do dads and brothers count here?

17.When do you know it's love? Umi says you'll just know when it's the one. Very helpful.

18.Do you speak any other languages? Besides English, Malay. I can read Arabic, and hope to learn to speak it by next year.

19.Have you ever been to a tanning salon? No. Don't need it either.

20.What magazines do you read? I don't read any diligently, but occasionally read FiRST, Time, Reader's Digest.

29.Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No.

30.Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? I read Duck's. Haha.


1. First Name: Shamiah

2. Were you named after anyone? After one of the doors of Masjidil Haram (apparently).

3. Do you wish on stars? Not really. Can't really see that many stars in Singapore.

4. When did you last cry? Today while watching Prozac Nation on Star Movies.

5. Do you like your handwriting? Very proud of it.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Hah. What does this mean. Kari daging.

7. What is your birth date? 29 Apr

8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Don't really buy many cds. Although it could possibly be Calcium Kid starring Orlando Bloom. (Cue: Sister throws tantrum.) I'm kidding, I think.

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Yes. :)

10. Are you a daredevil? No. Wish I was.

11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? No. As far as I can remember, that is.

12. Do looks matter? Yes, a bit.

13. How do you release anger? Cry. Brood. Or sleep.

14. Where is your second home? I don't want to say school! Euugh.

15. Do you trust others easily? Think so. I like to believe that people are good.

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Soft toys. They still are. (Elsie! - Okay I've mentioned her at least 3 times I think.)

17. What class in secondary school do you think was totally useless? Social studies.

18. Do you have a journal? Yes. Blog plus a written one since Year 2000.

19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Occasionally. Especially around dad.

20. Your nicknames? Again?! Vult.

21. Would you bungee jump? At this point, no.

22. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No. Who does? Psycho.

23. Do you think that you are strong? Physically - passably strong. Mentally/Emotionally - Very strong.

25. Shoe Size? 5 or 6

26. Red/Pink? Pink

27. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I find it hard to say what I mean most of the time. Not very articulate.

31. What are you listening to right now? Believe it or not, Elsie singing 'Home'. I suppose people are questioning my mental stability right now.

32. Last thing you ate? Granny's pudding.

33. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bluish-green.

34. What is the weather like right now? Dark. (The windows are closed and it's night, I can't be bothered to check. Okay?)

35. Last person you talked to on the phone? Brother at about 3pm today. He told me Said might come over to get his clothes he left at our house.

OKAY. DONE. I deleted the rest of the questions because they seem to be repetitive. Probably the last time I'd do anything crappy like this.

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