Friday, September 02, 2005

Why does the Western world seem to westernise everything. Especially our names. Melaka, not Malacca. And it's Mekkah, not Mecca. How can they mutilate Ibn Sina into Avicenna, Al-Ghazali into Algazel and Al-Khawarizmi into Algorizm (father of Algorithms), among many others. Beautiful names deformed and latinised. Until one can't tell it was the Arabs who came up with much of the mathematical methods and theories we use today. Singapore was their creation too, I bet. Sometimes, when you look at it, the world seems to bow at their feet. Ugh. Yes, we know, much of the progress of humanity is due to the West (especially Renaissance Italy, from what I gather in Rule of Four)... But there were other civlisations too before they became all powerful today. At least they should realise that. And not forget that, once you reach the peak, there's no where else to go but down. Be humble, I say.


Ami Ali insists they stole from us. I said, probably not all of it. But now I think it might have been a lot of it.

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