Saturday, August 20, 2005

Tony Buzan, for those who do not know, although I think you very well should, is the genius behind mind maps. Mind maps are his creation. He is also the one with the highest creative IQ in the world. I've recently rummaged around in my cupboard (whilst trying to clean up) and extracted a dusty book of his on 'How to Use Your Memory' which I know I've had for ages. And I started to read it, and have finally succeeded going further than Chapter 1.

And I am amazed. I have mastered the 'Peg System' memory technique - you give me a list of twenty things and I can commit it to memory after just one round of reading through it. There are many other methods of course but am trying to balance my reading and studying at the same time. Then I got really excited and bought Tony Buzan's Mind Map guide.

I have been majorly enlightened. The human mind is really quite amazing. The trick is imagination. Your memory catches on things you find funny, interesting, fantastic and imaginative. So, I suppose I have to tap on that.

'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' ~ Einstein

Just yesterday, my family went out for dinner and then when we were driving to the airport to meet Kak Naz, Abah started singing in the car. Then we all started singing with him. Then we started to reminisce and sing really, really old songs. As in songs from childhood; tunes I thought had been completely obliterated from memory. Old nasyids, mostly... It was funny how sis, bro and me would look at each other and start singing these really old tunes almost simultaneously.

It shows that memories don't fade. They're there in your brain. The skill is retrieving the information when you need it. That's what I'm trying to learn...


"It's as though I've found a string. Something reachable... at my fingertips. Something... touchable. Fantasies all the same... but the clarity of it all being possible."

Is it? Or am I just deluded.

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