Sunday, May 22, 2005

I wonder if a large part of the reason for my being quite reserved around people I don't know is my fear of being exposed as the nutso I am if I talk too much. Haha.

Went to Kak Shida's place for liqa' yesterday. Haven't seen Adel for some time now... So cuuute. He's so close to his grandfather that when Ami Ali had to go home, he wouldn't let go of Ami Ali's neck. So then they played cak-cak or peek-a-boo with the blanket. And Ami Ali dashed off home while Adel was waiting under the blankets. Even Adel, after waiting for so long for Ami Ali to appear again, realised something was amiss. Then he came out of the bedroom bawling for his grandfather. So kesian! Consequently, he had to be amused for a continuous 10 minutes to calm him down. Playing with the doorbell did the trick. And Abah likes to menyakat him. Haha.

Had Ami Ali answer my burning question, after some time now... And am satisfied with answer, although it has brought up more questions... Hm.

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