Sunday, May 08, 2005

Eunice has finished RC!!! OMG. And she's squealing. Absolutely understandable. The whole Languished locked in L part and everything that comes after. PRECIOUS. Gosh, I love Lymond. How can one not. Even if the whole series has been tedious, (but absolutely exciting!) THIS IS THE REWARD. What happens in Ringed Castle and after is just amazing. I was completely sucked in. The series is absolutely worth it. All those reviews I read before I actually embarked on the reading... they always said it was hard at first, what with all the random quotes and references... But it's all so worth it. I cannot even begin to describe the experience.

Shall quote Eunice's review of RC. HAHA. So amusing. And I empathise completely.

There are an incredible number of AARGH!!s and HAHAHAHAHA!!s in my notebook (her notebook for lymond) -- gives you an indication of the complete WRENCHING OF FEELINGS.

Yes. Wrenching of feelings is what it is.

Often, she writes such things:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!! AARGH! I -- AAAAAAARGH!! WORDS FAIL ME. THEY ALWAYS HAVE, BUT NOW ESPECIALLY SO. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Richard sent back the silver rose tree? (See Queen's Play, page 298 if you have forgotten.) WHY. WHY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. AAAAAAAAAARGH!! I can only imagine how Lymond feels, and that would be 1/10000000000000000 of what he actually feels. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. So SAD. AAAAAAAAAARGH.

Amusing. Extremely so.

For all you out there clueless to what I'm saying... I'm sorry. But Lymond is great! Absolutely a fantastic read. Something to occupy you for a good two years or so... Haha. So go read! (I feel like an advert. Authors should employ me to advertise their books. I seem quite good at this.)

And oh, have to add that I watched Opera Prime Time just now and it was dearest Jude Law! Omg. How gorgeous can a man get. If they EVER decide to make a Lymond movie, they have to let Jude Law play Lymond! Have to! And his natural hair colour is a gorgeous blonde that would be perfect for Lymond. And he's such a nice person too. But that's beside his perfect looks that would be perfect for Francis Crawford.

Goodness. I have to stop. Haha.

Happy sigh.

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