Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yesterday, like I said, I was going to go out with my sis to meet granny and eat lunch, and then to the library. So I did. Ate lunch at Ya Sallam (which was previously known as Riduan, Malik whatever...) and met two different people we knew. (As soon as a restaurant advertises on Suria, the Malay community flocks to it, I swear.) After that, went to the pawnbroker's and then to the library. Said I would study but... Bah. You know me. INFP - I Never Follow Plans. I didn't even bring along any notes. My sis said she didn't want to stay long and I figured I'd be distracted by the books anyway. Flipped through a couple of books, about Kings and Queens of Scotland, a Britain Travel Guide (I'm still hoping for that after As trip...), a Know-Your-Personality-From-What-You-Eat book and a book about aristocrats from a family of Lennoxes. Apparently, there's an english television series on the Lennox family (the descendants of Matthew and Margaret Lennox). It's quite complicated and intriguing. Wish Singapore would go out of the way a little and buy shows that aren't that heavily publicised and not American.

Anyway, ended up borrowing another book (when I already have numerous unread novels at home) by Philippa Gregory called The Little House. It's not historical fiction. I always assumed earlier that she was strictly an author of that genre. But that book was a psychological thriller. Something that echoes the plot of the movie 'Hush' that starred Jessica Lange and Gwyneth Paltrow. I finished it already. Was completely absorbed. It was about this ongoing unspoken tension between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law. It's scary when you think about how fine the line between sanity and madness truly is. What makes a person crazy, you think? Hm.

I realise I like Philippa Gregory. I don't know if this sounds weird, but I think I can tell if an author is someone I would have easily befriended if I knew her personally. You can tell a lot from how a person writes, I think, and you can sort of imagine the person's character. I think I could have warmed up to Dunnett or Gregory easily... but not so to Rowling. I must sound mad. Maybe it's my overactive imagination as usual.

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