Monday, March 21, 2005

The beginning of one of those nightmare weeks. A week of just counting down to that last exam day. Disgusting. It feels surreal sometimes... like I'm hanging onto a thread, because any wrong move on my part (like ultimately slacking completely) might just snap that thread. And there I go... falling into a pit of failure, and me possibly falling off the edge of sanity.

I went through all my organic chem notes again this morning... And still, the facts seem to slip away. Stay in my brain, damn it!!! And my phy and bio is... unfinished. And my math is largely unpractised.

I hate the way I let myself be controlled by these fears. My life should revolve around more than this.

Meeting Nikki at Bishan MRT at 1.30pm.

Terror is gripping me. I feel like if I don't stay calm, I'll explode into little bits. I hope I don't hyperventilate during the paper. That would be highly amusing if it happened. It'd be all over the news. "Exam paper causes student to hyperventilate". And there'd be all the slamming of the MOE and school stress etc.

Ah sigh.

Shall go now.

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