Tuesday, March 15, 2005

2nd day of March hols.

Went for cip stuff yesterday. Was gamemaster for this amazing race thing held by Northwest CDC. It was so bluidy hot. But was quite fun overall.

Realised I ate at macs three times in the past four days. Without intention, mind you! The first time it was with nikki at junction 8. That was fine. I thought that was going to be it for at least a week. Then the next day, after watching ACJC's Madama Butterfly (which was executed superbly in my opinion), me, sis, hussein and said (cousins) waited for my bro to be done with helping and we all ate at tampines mall's macs at around midnight. It was the only eating joint open at that time. Then yesterday during the amazing race, they provided food for us during lunch. It was McDonalds'. -_- Macs is just everywhere in our lives. It's unavoidable.

Later, will be going out for lunch with granny and sis. And then we'll go bedok library. Will study there. I WILL.

Where to get my psych degree (if that's what I really want. I think it is.):

1. NUS (BA) I think I prefer BSc!!! Cause of science background and all... And the fact that I find bio intriguing.

2. University of Cardiff (Psych Dept awarded excellence in teaching. Offers both BA/Bsc, Msc in Educational/Occupational Psych, PhD/MPhil!!!) - LEADING PSYCH DEPT IN UK

3. University of London (Royal Holloway) - Excellence in Teaching, Offers BSc and postgraduate course in Clinical Psych (D. Clin. Psy.)

4. University of Hull - Has seemingly the best offers, even scholarships for international students. And is actively promoting BSc in psychology. Awarded 23/24 pts in teaching quality. Options 2, 3 and 6 scored a full 24. (D. Clin. Psy., Msc Counselling, Msc Occupational Pysch)

5. University of Edinburgh (BA/BSc) Perk: It's Scotland!!! Bah. Reputation?

6. Univerity of Wales, Bangor - 2nd to Cardiff; BA/BSc Psych/Applied Psych, Postgraduate courses: MSc Clinical Neuropsychology, MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis, MSc Psych Research, D. Clin. Psy., PhD!!!

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