Sunday, September 26, 2004

LYMOND RANTING. Pardon me. (Safe from spoilers though.)

Suddenly wish I was born in the sixties, when Lymond first came out.

Apparently, the fan base had been huge and there were those really obsessed kinds (like the way some people are about HP today) who started writing fanfiction. And understand that there wasn't internet for use 40 years ago. So they actually put pen to paper and wrote fanfics. *collapses* They have what is called a fanzine. It's called Whispering Galleries in Scotland and the American version is called Marzipan and Kisses (I swear... I cannot recall the significance of marzipan and it's killing me! Another lymond yahoogroup is called marzipan.). I think the Whispering Galleries still exists and its 85th issue is coming out soon. (Found this out at Their fics are really serious ones, I hear (Like what happens after Checkmate)... and these fans are old now! Can you imagine? Can you imagine 4o years down the road when HP is still as fantastic a series as ever but the future fans will envy us fans now who get to WAIT for the books to arrive? And we get to read fantabulous fanfics like those written by Cassie...

Even though I've known Lymond for more than a year now, I find out something new almost every single time I bother to research or read through numerous discussion threads. It never ceases to amaze me. Apparently, it really pays off to pay close attention to minute details. So, way to go Eunice. If you manage to read till Checkmate, you'll be a Lymond expert... the way you try to find the meaning of every phrase or historical reference. I discovered something absolutely fantastic about the chronicles today. Something that really stunned me in its brilliance.

Dunnett is without a doubt a bloody GENIUS. DD - You are the master.

I can't help but think that people who do not indulge in fiction as much as others are seriously deprived of such incredible experiences. Why do people not read? Some people think me mad the way I go on about books and Lymond, but do they really know what truly awes me if they haven't given it a shot themselves?

I was speechless today, I tell you.

The true depth of the series is mind-boggling.

She was darn smart I tell you. How can so much knowledge be stored in a human sized brain?

Came across a site that listed out the research books she used in writing Lymond. My eyes bulged out I think. Enough said.

I shall sleep now, while my brain tries to accept Dunnett's awesomeness.

1 comment:

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