Thursday, September 02, 2004

Actually did some PW. Unbelievable. Sat in front of computer and crapped everything I knew about henna. There's something about the keyboard which makes my creative juices flow... Give me a pen and paper and I'll fall asleep. But give me my blogger account and there I go, typing away merrily...

Hectic day today. Got home and felt like I had been shredded to pieces. Felt that tired. Must have been all that PW. Must have been!

And there's chem mock SPA tomorrow and I have virtually no idea how to do it. And neither have I completed my tutorials for tomorrow. How is it humanely possible for me to do everyhing by tomorrow morning? And it's 11.26 pm now. Oh... why doesn't the school catch fire or something... Goodness.. that's a bad thing to wish. I take it back.

Janicia was one more from the group of stressed out people in school. (Hey, everyone's stressed out now.) She was writing a sort of timetable for tonight and I saw her assigning work for 2 am, 3.30 am and so on. And I couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god! Please remember to sleep!" And she laughed. Ah well. At least, I gave her some amusement.

And now I shall remember my own sleep. Whatever shall befall me tomorrow, let it be. I need to rest. Even my dad gets to sleep and I can't?! I only wake up a half hour later than he does and I get off school later than he gets off work.

I tell you, students are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A 5 day week promised by PM Lee is pretty much impossible...

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