Monday, July 05, 2004

I have failed to update that tests have been over, for two days now. Shall not speak of it or of the coming release of results. UGH.

And I have, of course, bought Checkmate, and finished it. Kept reading till 3.30 this morning. My brother and sister and me camped out in front of the tv for the euro cup finals. I woke them up at 2.30 am. And my brother naturally thought that I was insane, reading non-stop through the night. But I didn't see the goal by Greece, cause I fell asleep at about 4 am, amidst the croaking of my siblings' voices singing songs and especially Nelly Furtado's song (the one with something 'forca' inside it...). So Greece won. It makes no difference to me whatsoever. My sister told me that they were singing wholeheartedly when my brother suddenly said, "Eh, Greece scored a goal." And then they carried on singing. I was sort of awaken at the end of the match, found out Greece was the champ and fell back into slumber almost immediately.

I feel happy and sad at the same time that I've finally completed the Lymond chronicles. Sad, because all the excitement is over. Happy because, my god, he's finally happy.

And just in case whoever reads my blog might one day read the lymond chronicles, I shall leave some spoiler space. Though... I have to say that chances are low... Although Duck has said that I've persuaded her into reading, I think she might not persevere through the series. Because it is very lengthy. And even I got fed up at some parts. The reason being I don't understand the french he's saying (My god, especially, if it's set in France) and the literary phrases he keeps referring to and its significance to the plot. But if you just feel that no matter how hard the reading is, you have to know what happens in the end, you'll be rewarded with a fantastic story and a triumphant end. Do you know I was smiling away to sleep this morning? I was just so happy.

Throughout the past two days ever since I purchased the book from borders, it has not been more than an arm's length away from me. Hee. Well, going out now. Bro and sis complaining that I'm insane as usual.

Shall review on checkmate in next entry.

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