Sunday, November 23, 2003

There's an article in LIFE! today about the Dove commercials. Four girls who have taken part in the advert tell their story. It seems they get teased a lot about it... Well, of course they would, after all the crap they said. Their exact words said during the commercial are now in print. And I think the "as springy as I am" phrase is the most ridiculous.

2 more days to Hari Raya. Not that excited yet. My mum is going nuts over cleaning and decorating the house. I think she has dusted over every inch of space. It irritates me that she LOVES cleaning. It's her hobby, apparently. It's not my hobby. But that doesn't matter to her. I am obliged to help her clean, and I keep washing my hands every 10 minutes because it is so dusty! I was pulling out old flowers out of a vase and all this dust kept poofing out. Ugh.She's been cleaning ever since I woke up and now, she's still walking around looking for things to put straight. Honestly. My mum needs a new hobby.

What on earth does "Shy as a dogtooth violet" mean? Anyone? It must be some metaphorical thing or some simile... But I don't know what it means... And I have no book to refer to... I shall try research online...

Ah! Found something. A dogtooth violet is a small bulbous herb of the Lily family. Shy? Must be some property of the plant. Sigh... I'm starting to read Lymond for the second time and am now picking out phrases and words I don't understand. "Shy as a dogtooth violet" is one of many. You must think I'm nuts - reading something again, just after I finished it. But Lymond is the kind of book with details. And when you read everything over again, you'll go, "Ooooh!!!", because you've noticed something you didn't at first.

I'm also going to use the online french dictionary to translate french phrases! Hoorah.

Am going to watch Fellowship with my sister. On vcd. Bubu (my cousin; her name isn't bubu per se. If you think bubu as a name is funny, it is. Bubu is a hindi or bengali word for 'big sister'. I have bengali blood.) asked yesterday when they all came over to break fast whether we wanted to get together and watch Looney Tunes. And I want to! Been so long since my last movie... Let's see, my last movie was... Pirates of the Carribean! That was in September. Hm. I want to go watch a movie... hope we can settle a date.

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