Friday, November 22, 2002

Went to Suntec just now with the two birds - turkey and duckie. Bless those two fluffy things. Anyway, it was absolutely a HP outing. All we ever talked bout was HP. Anybody who joined us would have puked all over the floor with the overflowing HP conversations. Honestly, we're nutters, the three of us. We went hunting for te HP soundtrack. The cheapest so far is the one at HMV - $19.95. We tried to look for a magazine which supposedly, contains lots of HP stuff. But we couldn't find it. We saw this kind of parody magazine - 'Harry Plodder'. It was absolutely insulting. There was this part when Harry was deciding what subjects to take for third year when the parody Ron replied, "Why don't you try acting lessons? You're no Haley Joel Osment." Hmph. The implication of that maddens me.

Just now, I was trying to look for the DT quotes I put in here last time. I wanted to make a new signature for my YAHOO mail. But it seems, the quotes arenowhere to be found in my blog. Darn. I wanted to put the 'lemonade' quote!!! Hmph.

I shouldn't be online right now. There are better things to do, as my mother often reiterates to me. But I can't help it. And the listing of Draco's and Oliver's attributes is just sooo fun. I might do Ginny's next time, but she's a bit more complex than the two guys.

I'm supposed to finish one juz (one chapter) of the Qura'an real soon. I'm such an irresponsible person. Then, there's of course the cca orientation thing for next year. I'm supposed to decide wad we need for it by 30th Nov. Have to call Pui Man up then. sigh. I realise that as you grow older, the less a holiday feels like a holiday.

I have no inspiration to write... so I shall end it here for now...

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