Tuesday, September 29, 2020

This is a very belated edit to this post, but I recently found a vlog that basically relates my exact fan-rant with such intellectual vigour, I needed to put it here. It is excellent.


I haven't been a proper fangirl for a while, and I also haven't blogged frivolously in a while. It's midnight and here comes a fangirl rant (somewhat). It's this whole issue of comparing apples to oranges; it's not the same, guys! It's a pattern I've seen, having belonged to multiple fandoms in my life. It happened when Harry Potter was compared to Twilight (or any of the other teenage fiction movie adaptations). And it's happening now when people compare BTS to any other kpop group (they are also not the Asian One Direction, please). It gives me a weird fangirl satisfaction to have loved two majorly phenomenal success stories (i.e. Harry Potter and BTS); I have been and am a fan of many other things too, like Supernatural, and Lymond -- but I know they are not huge. BTS however, is huge. Harry Potter is a legend. There are reasons why they've been successful the way they are. If you don't find out and love them too, your loss. BTS for instance, did not garner the support of people across all ages because they're just sexy boys who can sing and dance very well (although yes they sometimes wonderfully do that too); there's something bigger to their songs and dynamic and message and thematic stories they tell, that people fall in love with. Just please don't cheapen my BTS boys. They've sung amazing songs I will love till the day I die. Also, I will venture dangerously here and say, please don't compare BTS to Blackpink who, although talented, sang a terribly meaningless sexual song that made me feel so ashamed for the very girls who were singing. (Why are you objectifying yourselves!)

Just-- apples and oranges, guys. You can't compare them.

hey, I love Big Bang (because GD's musicality is still genius) but even they can't compare to what BTS is as a whole. It's different, guys, just different. I spent the other night revisiting super 10-year-old Big Bang songs that at the time I was obsessed with. I wonder if I posted Koe wo Kikasete here last time. I might have. I loved this so much I memorised every word, hahaha.



It's nice to be playful; sometimes being all adult makes me all the more serious (and I was quite a serious child to begin with). It's nice to revisit the parts of me that were light and fun and... life must be a balance, deshou. I keep having flashbacks to my early 20s when I had slowly learnt to love myself... and then I realise when I turned 30, I hadn't loved myself enough (which sparked a huge overhaul). And I'm loving myself more now than ever before, and this time it's so intertwined with loving God and the world, and understanding the bigger scheme of things. It's scary to think that there probably won't be a clear end to the growing and discovering; but amazing as well, I suppose, because what frontiers will I further uncover? How awe-inspiring is the reality of things and how much will I be felled over by the wonders of this universe? Alhamdulillah.

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