Sunday, May 10, 2020

Prayer of Tremendousness

Selawat 'Azamiyyah

O Allah,
Verily I ask You by the light of Allah's tremendous Countenance,
that fills the pillars of Allah's tremendous Throne,
and by which Allah's worlds were established--
that You send prayers upon our liege lord Muhammad the possessor of tremendous rank,
and upon the family of the tremendous Prophet of Allah,
as great in magnitude as Allah's tremendous Essence,
with every glance and breath,
and as many times as the number of what is contained within the knowledge of Allah, the Tremendous,
with a prayer that is perpetual by the perpetuity of Allah, the Tremendous.
(This I ask) out of reverence for your right, O liege lord, O Muhammad, O Possessor Tremendous Character.
And send peace upon him and his family with the like thereof.
Join us together just as You have joined the soul (ruh) and the self (nafs)--
outwardly and inwardly, in wakefulness and in sleep,
and make him, O Lord, a soul for my essence in every aspect,
in the lower world before the Hereafter,
O Tremendous.

~ The Muhammadan Litanies, Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani

This makes me want to cry a little.
Mostly because I grew up with this but only now read the full meaning.
It must have been one of the first things I recited from memory as a child, just from having heard it read repeatedly around me (I've recently reflected as a speechie how blessed I am to have an exceptional verbal memory, Alhamdulillah).

I hope that even in ignorance, prayers can be answered.
I hope that in all our heedlessness, God will still be Kind and Generous.
Actually, in truth... what other state can humans be in, but ignorance. The flipside of gaining morsels of knowledge is realising what depths of ignorance one has been mired in. It promptly makes me feel hopeless, but then I come full circle to my earlier statement: to be hopeful of the mercy of the Divine.


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