Thursday, February 07, 2019

The world of utility and the world of beauty 
are not separate realms.
Who is to say that
spirit and matter are not one?


If it is our ideal to live in a world surrounded by beautiful things,
in a virtual Kingdom of Beauty,
then we must raise the ordinary things of our daily lives
to a higher level.


Beauty is no longer viewed as an indispensable part of our daily lives.
Confining beauty to visual appreciation
and excluding the beauty of practical objects
has proven to be a grave error on the part of modern man.


It is truly amazing that such beauty should permeate these humble objects -- objects which devote their existence to service, which sacrifice their lives to the needs of the daily round, which work in the harsh real world without complaint, which carry out their duties with a sense of wholesome satisfaction, and which aim to bring a little happiness into every life. Moreover, the heavens have ordained that these objects should attain an even greater beauty as they become worn by the handling of human hands. The religious life is also built on sacrifice and service to others. This selfless, devout service to God and one's fellow beings has its equivalent in the service of miscellaneous objects to their users.

~ The Beauty of Everyday Things, by Soetsu Yanagi

I shall strive to beauty every day.
God Is Beautiful,
and loves the beautiful.

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