Saturday, February 16, 2019

il-pal, il-sam, sam-pal, Ddaeng!

this line is really playing like a broken record in my head, haha.

be forewarned, this is a random (happy) post / fangirling outtake.

an RM-appreciation video needed to be made.
thank you.

It took me quite some time, and I always say I love all of BTS, and cannot decide on a favourite -- but slowly and surely, RM solidified at first place for me. This boy is amazing; and it may be my ultra-bias, but I will say that the reason BTS soars far above the rest of kpop is because of this boy right here, who set the tone for the entire group. You find persons like this maybe at a spiritual retreat, at a tertiary institution debate competition, or ensconced in some corner of a university faculty. You just don't see a personality like this in a singing-rapping-dancing boyband. Suddenly, a singing-rapping-dancing boyband you want to dismiss as fluff and pure entertainment delivers deep, meaningful, and philosophical messages. Suddenly, they seem to have some bigger, deeper drive and purpose, trickling down from their dear leader here.

I love the bit when Jimin starts laughing at RM, "Ahhhhh he's getting philosophical!" I also love a segment I had seen where they asked a (younger) RM to open his backpack for some tv interview, and he was carrying two books (my kind of person -- I always have multiple reads in my bag) and a toy to assemble and letters from fans! adorable. I'm starting to realise how much of this young man's philosophical meanderings and readings and reflections go into the output that we hear from BTS, especially now that I know the producers put barely any filter on him; they believe he has something to share with the world. Ah, it's amazing when you see substance packaged beautifully. i.e. Art, I suppose.

RM is my clear bias, but in BTS, all fans know that bias-wreckers are inevitable i.e. you say you have a favourite, but then you see another member, and you doubt your bias! hahahaha. Jin commonly makes me feel fuzzy and happy inside, and hello, Jin will always be extra-special to me, because he wrote and sang the amazing song, Epiphany.

I realise I have F now to share random fanstuff with, and the other day, I sent this to her.


he's an example of how you can be proud of who you are,
without being arrogant.
"I'm worldwide handsome.
He doesn't pretend he doesn't know it, haha.
But at the same time, he's weird and goofy, (which I adore)
and super-friendly and approachable, with everyone.
Like I know he's friends with Ji Seok Jin from Running Man,
who's probably older than his dad, and Seok Jin often calls him up
(once on Running Man too) and he'll just be chatting like they're old buddies.

to wrap up the BTS fangirling:



completely unrelated,
but I got this pair of Melissa's recently,
and love love them!

At some level, I'm kind of afraid of how much I'm spending as I grow older -- when you have money, sometimes you forget that your bank is not bottomless, haha. Growing up, I've never been one to observe fashion or brands or trends. And I don't think I do that now either. But what I realise I'm growing into, perhaps, is an appreciation for beauty in tangible things. I feel (and I hope) that this comes hand-in-hand with my whole thing with KonMari / appreciation for objects / responsibility and ownership of your possessions, that I've been learning endlessly about. When you love the good pair of shoes you bought, say, you take care of them, and they last, and you wear them longer, and you don't buy crap shoes. And you don't clutter your space with unloved things.

It's my goal to fill my space and my life with beloved and beautiful things (and people).

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