Thursday, July 05, 2018

I've been sitting in the Tampines library; in fact, for the second time this week.
And I've had company this time whilst I slog through these case reports;
J is also having her medical residency exams soon-ish,
and so we park ourselves at a table with our work and study,
and take turns to visit the loo or have a bite.

It's nice. I feel like I'll be a student forever.
(Although I'm not a student; I'm just writing reports,
and getting distracted by the books I spy over J's shoulder.)
This feels familiar,
and seems to be a constant repetition or cycle over the years.
Although, tell J that she has to sit for yet another horrendous exam in the future,
and she'll likely give me a straight NO, with the exasperated look and accompanying eye roll.

I have no other reason for this post,
other than that moments like this one,
in a cocoon of friendly comfort, calm, and familiarity,
... feel like they should be cherished and treasured.

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