Saturday, August 13, 2016

So the whole of Singapore has been talking about Schooling and his gold medal since morning.

On the way to work, the cab driver was all, 
"Eh, the hospital got TV or not? 9 o'clock you all must stop work and watch!"

When my parent participants started strolling in for the workshop, 
all of them were super excited,
and all we could talk about was Schooling;
so we watched it on Toggle together.

And screamed together when he won!

Honestly, I probably wouldn't have witnessed it if I wasn't running this workshop.

Which makes me extra sad that next week is the last week; I actually will be very happy to have my Saturdays back, but -- this was a wonderful workshop run. And I do love love love working with parents and their kids, because parent education is actually number one when it comes to making a change in children's lives. It's so great to have parents really get it, you know -- how speech therapy works, and how they can be empowered to help.

On a fairly separate note:

God, help me be brave and strong and continue to strive to goodness regardless of the reality of my situation. Amin.

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