Monday, August 29, 2016

I've been recalling lately, what one of my friends off-handedly said about me, whilst we were deep in our book club discussions --

(and let me quickly proclaim here how much a book club reveals about your friends: things you'd never think to discuss; their deep-seated fears, hopes, and beliefs; their dreams; their opinions of you)

I was trying to explain why our views were different: she was obviously the most practical out of all of us and I conceded that I was very impractical and on the other end of the spectrum, hence our varying outlooks.

then she said, "you're not impractical, you're whimsical!"

she didn't even think I belonged on the spectrum.

I was like, "I'm not even on the spectrum of normal??? How can I not be on the spectrum!"

And then on some days, yes, I see why I am a Nodame.


Ah well, S.
If Nodame can be happy and achieve great things, you can too.

nutso Nodame! hahaha.

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