Tuesday, October 20, 2015

waxing fangirling nostalgia

This is here because I couldn't stop laughing while watching this --
it's fangirling in action:

Fangirling in whichever genre, language or country is the same; 
the falling all over the floor like crazy especially cracks me up!

And I totally approve: Song Joong Ki remains on my favourite Korean actors list without budging -- and staying power more than anything bespeaks value, right? 
GOD. I wish Joong Ki was still a Running Man. 
Then we'd get to see him every week.

This fangirling behaviour reminds me of the time my friends and I were having breakfast during our recess from Arabic class -- and lo and behold, Nouman Ali Khan was sitting at the next table. I saw him first -- cause the sole lady there was staring pointedly at me when we were obliviously hunting for seats -- almost as if daring me to notice. Which I did, of course. When we sat down, I quietly announced to my table what was happening -- and the flurry that followed, ohmygod. HAHAHA. HILARIOUS. Because my cousin became completely flustered and got everyone else flustered and went like, "Where, where! How, how!" And the moment the boys from our class started moving towards him, the ladies jumped out of their seats too: "We want a photo also!"

Not to mention tripping over our feet in front of him and shaking so badly that it was impossible to take a photo. Ridiculous! I was so embarrassed. If it was just me alone, I would probably have feigned ignorance and quivered with excitement inside at best.

Even if it was Yamapi at the height of my youthful infatuation (I can't believe I'm so over him now -- ah, fickle celebrity love), I probably would just freeze like an ice block. Overt fangirling needs company.


I don't know why I'm in such a random mood tonight --
but here's something else which had me in stitches:

I'm sure I've posted this here before in the past -- but it so deserves a re-post. 
This entire cast was classic.

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