Sunday, July 20, 2014

What's new about this current Israel-Palestinian conflict, I ask you.


It's been happening consistently, and has been repeated every year.

The only difference it seems is that, thanks to the wonderful double-edged sword that is the internet, information is becoming increasingly, freely available. People, if they so choose, can work around propaganda and dig up the truth for themselves -- and then they can decide where their hearts should lie.

All that has happened recently only confirms and reinforces some things to me (as it should to you):
-- that mainstream media is mostly lying (duh, I have long learnt this)
-- that the big world leaders regardless of who or where are almost always corrupted and devoid of real honour; there are some politicians who speak out for truth e.g. Chile, George Galloway -- but the shakers and movers, the ones who can actually maybe make things happen? none. Singapore? hopeless; more apparent than any other nation, money is priority, so let's take care of our backs first. United States of America? Completely and utterly in consort with evil. Saudi? so knee deep in evil that they decide to be evil too; it's too late to turn back. Egypt? all self-centred political agenda and not enough sincerity and iman to bring any real efforts for peace to fruition. United Kingdom? pretend to be a better player than big bully US, but actually was the original consort of evil. Israel? an evil institution whose creation if you ever bothered to learn has no basis whatsoever in rationality or humanity.
-- that it is indeed the end of times ):
-- that all I can seem to do is pray, and even that I do inconsistently ):
-- okay, you can do some things to campaign against the Palestinian siege, like boycotting Israeli products; there's an app called Buycott that helps you identify which products to avoid just by scanning its barcode! very cool. and you can offer monetary aid to the victims. Because even if none of this achieves much (and when the violence dies down we start to forget), at least we try to do what Nabi s.a.w. told us -- that if we see evil or wrongdoing, we attempt to oppose it with our hands, and if we aren't able to do that, to do it with our tongues; and if even that is not possible, to condemn it within our hearts
-- that we all need to increase in faith even more to counter the scary world we live in today, full of fitnah and challenges.

I really hope that the Eid prayers this year has a good doa for all the suffering that's been happening.

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