Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm afraid I'm going to sound bitchy in this post. :( and I'll probably regret it.

Oh noes, how terrible -- but I feel compelled this moment to give this rant space.

So, occasionally, I have bouts of wanting to make myself pretty -- being a girl and all, right. It usually coincides with having acquired some exorbitantly-priced shawl or some other piece of clothing. And then I go hunt for a way to wear my shawl; and recently, this made me stumble across make-up videos. And being a minimal make-up girl with zero experience, what I saw just made me drop my jaw. The amount of effort people go to! I mean, seriously! For everyday supposed basic looks. And the amount of... how should I put it, fakeness. That's what gets me.

It's like -- people end up looking so different. I suppose this is what people mean by there are no ugly girls, only lazy ones (like me, meh). But I feel annoyed by it! There are these people who with make-up have amazing eyebrows, enlarged eyes, high noses, high cheekbones -- and I'm like, >:\ hello, fake! Like, how do we appreciate real beauty then? Like okay, you see a gorgeous lady right, and then you see her again after she washes her face and you go, Ehhhh, where did that face go? Don't you feel cheated??? I feel cheated, and I'm a girl. I don't know then about the men whose women wear make-up to look gorgeous. Honestly, I feel like asking around to do a survey, haha. Do you like it? Do you want it? And then at home when you see your wife she has a different face after a bath? HAHA. This reminds me of a Japanese variety show once of a man who reportedly had not ever seen his wife without make-up because she never went around without it, even at home. (This behaviour is probably bordering on disease.)

I think I may have had a related discussion with my sister on this -- where we were thinking there should be a distinction between being beautiful and being excellent at grooming yourself. A beautiful individual even if dragged in the mud and wearing a sack would still look beautiful, right? And beauty does not really fade with age; you just become an older, beautiful person. (An excellent example I've recently revisited is Keanu Reeves, heheh). Youth gives everyone a false perception of beauty, I feel. Youth, and style. And make-up, apparently.

Anyway, haiyah, I think I should stop this ridiculous and pointless train of thought on outward beauty. It's sad though, how women go on about trying to be pretty -- because, what's that line -- Women work on their looks, not their brains, because they know men are stupid, not blind. Ahahah. Hopefully, not all men.

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