Sunday, March 16, 2014

March has been a busy month.

The long-awaited wedding for Hudy and Fadzli. All's well and good for the two of them, finally. Alhamdulillah!

Photos from the past two weekends:

The nikah night -- love the colours.

Khai being a hilarious, macam-paham photographer, 
next to the official photographer.

These two funny friends of mine. 
You guys make me laugh, in a good way, and make the tough times enjoyable.

It is oftentimes I wonder, how the friends I have became the friends I have.
Which is a point of argument I have had with Marli.
Do you choose your friends, or do they simply walk into your life?

Just like romantic love, it probably is a little bit of both.

The lovely couple.

And then us being bridesmaids! 
All decked in coral and lace.

It should be mentioned that us being bridesmaids involved having a mortifying 15 min or so on stage, giving our well-wishes in front of the entire audience and being interrogated by the very chatty MC about our love lives or lack thereof. I have never been so publicly harassed about being single before. I always feel stumped (and often annoyed) by the question, "Why are you still single?
How do you answer questions like that!

Love the flower-forest-pelamin.

In between the weddings, we managed to have the promised birthday trip to Batam for my Dad, where we did his favourite thing i.e. full body massage all round for everyone!

And we took local public transport (to Harbourfront station) as an entire family for the first time.

Could do with more R&R.

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