Monday, December 30, 2013

This is so interesting!!!!!!

It mentions the horrific Abu Ghraib incident and the famous Stanford Prison experiment, 
the latter of which Philip Zimbardo himself was involved.

There are 3 paths we can choose to walk on:
(i) The path of villainy
(ii) The path of passive indifference
(iii) The path of hero

7 Social Processes that Grease the Slippery Slope of Evil:
(i) Mindlessly taking the first small step
(ii) Dehumanization of others
(iii) De-individuation of self (Anonymity)
(iv) Diffusion of personal responsibility
(v) Blind obedience to authority
(vi) Uncritical conformity to group norms
(vii) Passive tolerance of evil through inaction or indifference


I was at a small sharing session about special needs kids, by Sheikh Abdel Aziz Ahmed Fredericks (who has a cool, therapy-like job, besides teaching Islamic knowledge).

A mother had asked how she could explain to her daughter why her brother who had significant difficulties was going to Jannah, despite being "so naughty". And because there is a belief that special individuals have a free ticket to heaven, are we not depriving children with special needs of that space in Jannah by trying to remediate or rehabilitate them?

The sheikh started with saying that everyone has their own ibtilah. And it is how we respond to that challenge in life that brings us closer to God. There is this hadith:

Rasulullah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allah said, 'If I deprive my slave of his two beloved things (his eyes) and he remains patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.'" [Sahih Bukhari] 

But it is not for the fact that he is blind that he goes to paradise; it is his patience. So every ibtilah, has its corresponding passing grade, we could say. Also, regardless of the ibtilah, one still has to strive to be a good slave. So for some people, their challenge is to be patient, to keep smiling despite an affliction, and that will win them God's mercy. And for some people, because their ibtilah or difficulty on Earth is so great, all they need to do is breathe, and they have God's mercy and a place in heaven.

Subhanallah. I really wanted to cry. I'm sure some of the parents already were.

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