Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Beauty is the thing least understood, but the most commercialised.

-- Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

It's December again! It feels like my class only just graduated as newly qualified STs, and I can't believe we're already a year into doing this.

This year has been new, awesome, scary, exciting, but also heartbreaking -- and Alhamdulillah for all of that! At the end of every year, I feel very grateful to be able to look back on the year. I've realised, some people don't reach the end of the year. Insya Allah, 2014 will be even better, Amin. (:

Some of the awesome things this year:

-- Resuming Arabic and making awesome Arabic-learning friends.
-- Starting work, and slowly learning to love my colleagues and my work.
-- Being able to work in Medan! A total highlight, honestly.
-- Australia trip, for SPA conference; and then spotting whales!
-- Becoming all-confident-and-independent-woman and learning to attend weddings alone.
-- Book of the year: Quiet (or actually, my current read will likely triumph when I'm done: Martin Lings's Muhammad s.a.w., his life from the earliest sources)
-- Learnt to open up my heart a bit more to people, albeit slowly -- learning to love unconditionally is a life-long journey, it seems
-- Becoming more certain of myself and my capabilities -- that I can be quite bold and brave when it's about things close to my heart

And tomorrow -- going off to visit the family in the Middle East. Hello, desert people!

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