Thursday, November 28, 2013

I've discovered the awesomeness that was Dr Martin Lings.

An excerpt from his autobiography:

“Development” means moving away from the principles, and although it is necessary to move a certain distance from the principles in order to make applications of them, it is of vital importance to remain near enough for contact with them to be fully effective. Development must therefore never go beyond a certain point. Our ancestors were acutely conscious that this danger point had been reached in Islam hundreds of years ago; and for us, who are so much further removed in time than they were from the ideal community of the Prophet and his companions, the danger is all the greater. How then shall we presume not to be on our guard? How shall we presume not to live in fear of increasing our distance from the principles to the point where development becomes degeneration? And indeed it may well be asked as regards most of what is proudly spoken of today as development: Is it not in fact degeneration?

Also, his book on the sirah of the Prophet s.a.w. is just amazing to read. And it is available online! This is where I wish I had a LINE sticker to express how speechless and happy I am, because I have no words.

You know how you finally stumble on some crazy significant things, and you think -- what, where have you been all my life before? Why did I take so long.

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