Sunday, September 29, 2013

no, I'm not jaded

I was on the bus leaving yet another wedding this weekend, and this younger girl who I'd been briefly introduced to at the wedding, came on the bus as well and after saying hi, she asked, "So, are you getting married too?"

I smiled and said, "No."

And she asked, "Why! Are you jaded?"

Ohmygod, she cracked me up. I decided right that moment that I liked her very much. It was the way she said it. She didn't say it in the how-come-you're-not-marriage-is-a-wonderful-thing way, but the I'm-twenty-and-I'm-so-jaded-about-life-could-you-be-jaded-too manner. She'd somehow pounced on the discovery that a woman my age wasn't getting married. (Yet, I silently added.) I think, in some ways she reminded me of a younger version of myself.

I explained that it's not that I don't want to get married, but that not every girl has their Prince Charming land on one knee in front of them. Besides, it'd probably be kinda boring if everyone had that story? Maybe I'm supposed to be Princess Charming instead? I don't know.

She said, "Yeah! Also, you could travel. And see the world."

I was so amused. "Yes, I could."

We talked some about my work, about life, and she was genuinely interested in speech therapy (and asked if she could do that if she wanted). And I felt like I was imparting some great wisdoms, the way she seemed to devour what I said.

When she got off, I kept smiling to myself. I thought, this is a good place too, where I am. Maybe -- as long as you face head on life's challenges, and think, what does God want me to learn to be here, and strive hard, you'll end up in a good place -- and that's all that matters. (I'd had this thought too just the day before at work, when one of my senior colleagues made me pause as she gave me strategies on how to be super efficient with writing patient notes.) That every life event, every moment, is created to create a better you. And as long as you strive to fulfill your part, your end of the bargain, you'll hopefully one day end up in a happy place, and the person you were meant to be.

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